Getting involved
In this section you can find information if you want to get involved in Stem Cell Therapy.
Patient Handbook on Stem Cell Therapies
Stem cell therapies are nearly all new and experimental. In these early stages, they may not work, and there may be downsides. Make sure you understand what to look out for before considering a stem cell therapy.
The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) is very concerned that stem cell therapies are being sold around the world before they have been proven safe and effective.
Remember, most medical discoveries are based on years of research performed at universities and companies. There is a long process that shows first in laboratory studies and then in clinical research that something is safe and will work. Like a new drug, stem cell therapies must be assessed and meet certain standards before receiving approval from national regulatory bodies to be used to treat people.
What does this really mean for you as a patient, doctor, friend or family member? The International Society for Stem Cell Research has assembled some frequently asked questions about clinical therapies using stem cells. Click below to look at the answers and find out the information you and your doctor need to make the best decisions possible for treatment.