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  • Animal research for life was created to inform the European debate and provide an brief overview of:
    • why and when are animal used in biomedical research?
    • what does a typical animal facility look like?
    • what is the state of the art in relation to alternatives (the '3Rs': reduction, replacement and refinement of animal studies?
  • Understanding Animal Research aims to achieve understanding and acceptance of the need for humane animal research in the UK, by maintaining and building informed public support and a favourable policy climate for humane animal research.
  • European Biomedical Research Association
    EBRA is an association of individuals and organisations in the scientific, medical and veterinary professions in the countries of the Council of Europe.
    EBRA was established to promote understanding of the importance of animals in medical and veterinary research and to represent the scientific community within Europe on this issue.
  • provides information from scientists worldwide about the contribution of animal research to medical advances.